Kristian Alikaj


Studying at Freie Universität Berlin, I specialize in omics analysis, bioinformatics software development, and applying machine learning to biological data and am proficient in C++, Python, R, and SQL, and have some experience with Julia, and Haskell.

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Bioinformatics & C++

Global Alignment, Horspool Algorithm, Aho-Corasick- and Q-Gram Index Search, and more.

MULTI-OMICS Integration

I have hands-on experience in integrating and analyzing transcriptomics, (phospho)proteomics and metabolomics data, using advanced bioinformatics tools to identify and undeerstand key molecular pathways, networks and interactions.

Pytorch/Deep Learning: ECG Silent Heart attacks

A machine learning project using Pytorch for health in AI. Skills gained during an Internship at the Berlin Institute of Health.

Diabetes Prediction

A web app to predict the risk of diabetes being trained on patient data. Backend with Python [Machine Learning] and Frontend with HTML/CSS via Flask.

Bioinformatics Tools

A web app showcasing bioinformatics tools for suffix arrays, Burrows-Wheeler transforms, FM indices, and DNA to protein translation.


Experience performing analysis using R (Seurat), Python (Scanpy), lately passionate about Julia.

App: Phylogenetic Trees

A web app for constructing phylogenetic trees using various clustering methods and algorithms, like Hierarchical Clustering, the Neighbor-Joining algorithm, or Maximum Parsimony.

SNP/Variant Calling Analysis

Experience with fastQC, bwa, samtools, bedtools, bcf/vcftools, or gatk in bash/Unix, as well as automatization with PyScripts (PyVCF) or workflow management systems like Snakemake

Haskell & Bioinformatics

Re-Diving into Haskell & the benefits of functional programming.

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