Kristian Alikaj
During my studies at Freie Universität Berlin, I specialized in omics analysis, bioinformatics analysis and software development, as well as the application of deep learning to biological data. I gained proficency in C++, Python, R, SQL, and experience with Julia, and Haskell.
Get in touchProjects
Bioinformatics & C++
Global Alignment, Horspool Algorithm, Aho-Corasick- and Q-Gram Index Search, and more.
MULTI-OMICS Integration
I have hands-on experience in integrating and analyzing transcriptomics, (phospho)proteomics and metabolomics data, using advanced bioinformatics tools to identify and undeerstand key molecular pathways, networks and interactions.
Pytorch/Deep Learning: ECG Silent Heart attacks
A machine learning project using Pytorch for health in AI. Skills gained during an Internship at the Berlin Institute of Health.
Diabetes Prediction
A web app to predict the risk of diabetes being trained on patient data. Backend with Python [Machine Learning] and Frontend with HTML/CSS via Flask.
Vocal Health Detection
An AI-driven tool for vocal health assessment using deep learning to classify vocal conditions like Laryngozele and Vox senilis from audio recordings. This model leverages LSTM networks and data augmentation to enhance diagnostic accuracy, providing a powerful support for medical audio diagnostics.
Experience performing analysis using R (Seurat), Python (Scanpy), lately passionate about Julia.
App: Phylogenetic Trees
A web app for constructing phylogenetic trees using various clustering methods and algorithms, like Hierarchical Clustering, the Neighbor-Joining algorithm, or Maximum Parsimony.
SNP/Variant Calling Analysis
Experience with fastQC, bwa, samtools, bedtools, bcf/vcftools, or gatk in bash/Unix, as well as automatization with PyScripts (PyVCF) or workflow management systems like Snakemake
Other Projects I
>Project for a web app connecting to a Postgres database, form submissions, and visualizations with Flask, Geopandas, Matplotlib, and Psycopg2, regarding bike theft in Berlin.
>Deep Neural Network analysis for breast cancer diagnosis, using the WDBC dataset to classify breast masses as malignant or benign.
Other Projects II
>Website (in german) about protecting the rainforest [html][css]
>Website implemented for the results of an EDV Course at university
Haskell & Bioinformatics
Re-Diving into Haskell & the benefits of functional programming.