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Free University of Berlin
B.Sc. Bioinformatics (09/2020 – 12/2024)
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Medicine (10/2015 – 08/2020)
Lower Saxony Preparatory College, Hanover
Graduated 2015 | Grade: 1.0
- Languages: Python, C++, Julia, R, Haskell, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks & Tools: Flask, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Git, Docker
- Bioinformatics: Multi-omics integration, scRNA-seq (Seurat, Scanpy), Variant Calling (GATK, vcftools, samtools, bedtools, fastQC, BWA)
- Machine Learning: Signal processing, diagnostic imaging, acoustic analysis
- Web Development: Responsive design, interactive dashboards, backend pipelines, Flask/Flet/Flutter, API Development
- Data Analysis: Statistical modeling, data visualization, SQL databases
Intern | German Heart Center of the Charité (DHZC) – AG Schiattarella (2024)
- Worked on multi-omics data integration and analysis
- Applied bioinformatics techniques in transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics using Python and R
Intern | Berlin Institute of Health @ Charité – Center for Digital Health (2023)
- Developed machine learning models for analyzing ECG waveforms
- Applied Logistic Regression, SVMs, CNNs, and RNNs for cardiovascular research
COVID Testing Staff | CoviMedical Berlin GmbH (03/2020 – 02/2022)
- Conducted COVID-19 testing procedures and assisted with patient data management
Health & Nursing Assistant | GESS Medical Berlin (12/2016 – 04/2018)
- Provided medical assistance and gained experience in clinical environments
Data Structures & Algorithms (C++)
- Implemented Q-Gram index, Suffix Array, Burrows-Wheeler Transform, and Push-Down Automata
- Developed algorithms for string matching (Horspool) and sequence alignment (Needleman-Wunsch, BLAST)
📂 Repository Link
Multi-Omics Data Analysis (DHZC – German Heart Center)
- Integrated and analyzed transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data
- Used R and Python for pathway and network analysis
📂 Repository Link
Machine Learning for Healthcare (PyTorch & AI for Health)
- Developed ML models for ECG classification
- Applied Neural Networks, SVMs, and Logistic Regression for pattern recognition
📂 Repository Link
Database Systems / SQL (PostgreSQL & Flask/Python)
- Developed a web application for visualizing bicycle thefts in Berlin
- Built an interactive dashboard using PostgreSQL and Flask
📂 Project Link
Web Application – Diabetes Prediction (Machine Learning/Flask)
- Developed a machine learning-powered web app for predicting diabetes risk
📂 Web App Link
Additional Projects
- Data WebApp: Exploratory data analytics for swift summarization and visualization. Web-App
- Phylogenetic_Tree_Generator: Constructs evolutionary trees using multiple models. Web-App
- TF_3D_Graphs: 3D graph of gene regulatory networks, allowing users to select a transcription factor and explore its neighboring interactions. Web-App
- sc-RNAseq_analysis & scRNA-WebApp: Pipelines and applications for single-cell RNA-seq analysis. Web-App
- Patient_VocalHealthClassifier: Classifier leveraging acoustic data for vocal health assessment. Repo
- BioInfo-tools: Suite of bioinformatics utilities for sequence analysis, motif discovery, and gene alignment. Web-App
- RNA Structure Predictor: Tool for the prediction and visualization of RNA 2. structure. Web-App
- German – Fluent (Business Proficient)
- English – Fluent (Business Proficient)
- Albanian – Native
- Italian – Very Good
- French – Good